Blogs & Podcasts


Let Dentrix lead you into the final innings of 2021

August 28, 2021

We are in the home stretch of 2021. If your practice is trending to have an awesome year, keep up the good work! If your practice is searching for some…

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What are you waiting for dental teams? Let’s Go Paperless!

August 1, 2021

In the past two months, I have had three different dental practices in three different markets reach out to me because they are ready to move forward with transitioning to…

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On-Boarding New Team Members With no Dentrix Experience

July 2, 2021

The talk of town has been finding, hiring, and keeping dental team members for all positions in the practice. In fact, my husband (Kevin Henry) has built a presentation on…

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Top 5 Ways in Dentrix to Eliminate Confusion and Save Your Team Time

May 30, 2021

Think about what is important when you are training a new puppy or learning a new sport or even raising a child. Besides having a lot of patience, what is…

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Weeding the Garden . . . your Dentrix ledgers need some spring cleaning

April 30, 2021

I seem to be saying these words a lot lately so, whenever I find myself repeating topics over and over to different offices, I know it’s time for a blog…

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Understanding Your Dentrix KPI’s

March 30, 2021

Working with doctors, office managers, and consultants, there is one common thread I have been able to help teams with that is a game-changer . . . understanding the Dentrix…

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Dentrix Continuing Care

Continuing Care is the Lifeblood of Your Dental Practice

February 27, 2021

When I was presenting to a group of doctors during a large dental meeting, I remember one gentleman in the back row asked me, “Are new patients or existing patients…

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Raving Patients Podcast – Dr. Len Tau interviews Dayna Johnson

February 14, 2021

On this episode of the Raving Patients Podcast, Len sits down with Dayna Johnson to discuss how to create productive workflows for in your dental practice for an optimum dental…

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Dentrix clinical notes

Dentrix Clinical Shortcuts You Will LOVE!

January 31, 2021

One of my most favorite things is when I can help teach people shortcuts and time-saving tips to help them navigate Dentrix better. When I can help a hygienist save…

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How Dentrix can help you reach your New Years resolutions

December 27, 2020

We all have at least one. Some of you might yell it to the world and make it public, then some of you might silently keep it to yourself because…

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Dentrix cleanup part 2 Definitions

Dentrix Database Cleanup Part 2 – Definitions

September 2, 2024

As we continue our five-part series on “fall cleanup,” it’s time to turn our attention to a critical aspect of maintaining a well-functioning dental practice: Dentrix database cleanup. Just as…

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Dentrix Database Cleanup

Fall Cleanup in Dentrix: A Step-by-Step Guide to Inactivating Providers and Team Members

August 26, 2024

Hey, friends! Welcome back to the High-Performing Dental Team. Today, I’m kicking off a new series focusing on something that often gets overlooked but is crucial for maintaining an efficient…

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Top 3 Tips to Increase Cash Flow in Your Dental Practice

Top 3 Tips to Increase Cash Flow in Your Dental Practice

August 19, 2024

Hey there, friends! Today, I want to dive into a critical topic for dental practices—how to increase your cash flow. The reason I’m bringing this up is that I’ve had…

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