Blogs & Podcasts
How to get PDF reports out of Dentrix to upload to your PPP loan
With the new Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) now available for small business owners to apply for the $349 billion dollars in relief money, you will be required to submit documentation…
Read MoreHow to create a “touch-less” patient check in and check out with your Dentrix software
At the time of reading this article, your practice might still be closed due to your state government restrictions due to the COVID-19 pandemic or your practice has opened with…
Read MoreThree Options for Payment Plans Using Your Dentrix Software
I know the past few weeks have been weird and crazy. I also know this because I am hearing from many of you needing help with training and setup of…
Read MoreThree Options for Payment Plans Using Your Dentrix Software
I know the past few weeks have been weird and crazy. I also know this because I am hearing from many of you needing help with training and setup of…
Read MoreProjects you can work on in Dentrix during the COVID-19 downtime
By now, you have probably been inundated with information about the COVID-19 virus. With our industry changing rapidly, it is important to keep learning, gathering more resources, and staying current…
Read MoreWhere Can You Find Your Patient Retention in Dentrix?
How wide open is the back door to your practice? I asked this question to a doctor during one of our training sessions because he was so convinced that his…
Read MoreKey Numbers on the Dentrix Practice Advisor Report
The Practice Advisor Report in Dentrix has been out for a few years and I hope you have implemented this amazing reporting tool into your practice management routine. It is…
Read MoreDentrix Keyboard Shortcuts You Will Love and Help Save Time
When I watch people navigate through the Dentrix software it is interesting to watch the slow, windy path each person takes to get to where they want to be. Taking the back…
Read MoreDentrix Podcast: How Are Your New Patients Finding You?
Do you know where your new patients are coming from? Are you tracking your new patients in your Dentrix software? Now is the time when you are likely putting together your annual…
Read MoreGoodbye 2019. Hello 2020. How Can Dentrix Help Achieve Your Goals?
Goodbye 2019 and Hello 2020! I can’t believe we are starting a new decade. It is good to have short term, midterm and long term goals, however today let’s think…
Read MoreDentrix Perio Chart Bleed All Button
Lately, I’ve had a lineup of amazing guests on the podcast, but today, it’s just you and me. I want to dive into a hot topic that’s been generating buzz—Dentrix…
Read MoreInterview with Janice Hurley: Three Strategies for Building Confidence in the Dental Workplace
Janice Hurley, dentistry’s image expert I am passionate about helping others see themselves in the best light. True self confidence is a wonderful gift you can give yourself if you…
Read MoreNavigating Medical Debt in Dentistry with Andy Cleveland
Andy Cleveland “The Collection Agency Ninja” Andy has been in the patient revenue cycle management space for over 25 years in multiple capacities. Medical debt in dentistry has long been…
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