Annual Planning for your Dental Practice

Now is the perfect time to start annual planning in your dental practice for next year! It sounds early, right? I know many of you are still enjoying your summer vacations and BBQ’s out in the backyard.  So am I and I totally get it. I am here to help you stay focused and on track.

Well, you are already scheduling hygiene patients into next year and your practice owner is looking ahead at financials. Both of these topics affect the entire team because you are being mindful about salary, vacations, and CE opportunities. Your Dentrix software will play a large role in helping you manage some of these topics and, throughout all of third quarter, you will learn how.

During Q3, we will be looking at how your Dentrix software and other third-party solutions can help you and your team implement the ideas that come out of your annual planning session. If your doctor is anything like the one I worked with for over 18 years, he already has some CE planned out on a beautiful beach somewhere or on the slopes of Utah. The best part is, if you have some revenue goals in place, he might bring the entire team. So let’s get started!

In the next couple of months, we will take a deeper dive into several topics and I will be sharing some new podcasts and videos with all of you. Here is a little snapshot of what we will be covering in the next couple of months . . .

  • Learn how to map out your Dentrix appointment book for your doctor’s CE dates, team vacations, and practice holidays. It is very important when looking at your practice metrics that you have accurate days and hours setup. The Dentrix Practice Advisor Report and Jarvis Analytics both have the ability to look at your appointment book and calculate production per hour, per day, and unfilled time.
  • Discover how to add your production goals into your Dentrix software and teach your team best practices for monitoring your goals. There are a couple of places in your Dentrix software where you can visually see your goals and if you are scheduling to goal.
  • I love having a roadmap, so I don’t get lost. The same thing goes for your appointment book. You want to give your team a GPS where the destination is already plugged in for them. This way, everyone is on the same page and everyone is working toward the same outcome.
  • If you are planning to go out of network with your insurance plans next year, I will discuss the best way to generate analytics and letters to your patients.  

I am excited to dive into this important topic, so follow along and let’s get started.

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