Wrap up Q2 with a challenge for dental teams

Reflections on the Second Quarter: Enhancing Your Dental Practice

As we wrap up the second quarter, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the past three months of content. We have tackled numerous important topics together, focusing on keeping your schedule full and increasing patient retention. By utilizing the unscheduled list, continuing care reports, and the treatment manager, we’ve discussed ways to maintain a productive schedule and enhance your re-care system. These have been challenging but informative and successful discussions. I hope you’ve enjoyed the guests and the topics we’ve covered over the past few months.

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Some of you might feel overwhelmed by the amount of information and new tasks. You might wonder, “How am I supposed to manage these three big reports every week?” It’s essential to find a way to incorporate these tasks into your routine because the alternative can have serious consequences. If you don’t work on the unscheduled patient list, continuing care report, and treatment manager, your practice’s schedule might not be full and productive, impacting your practice’s profitability.

Let’s consider how we can work together to create a better time management plan. This is not just about the health of your practice but also about the health of your patients. Regular visits are crucial for their overall well-being, and completing recommended treatments can prevent serious issues.

Implementing a Better Time Management Process

Here’s a practical challenge for you to implement over the next 30 days. Hopefully, your practice already has a regular morning huddle where the entire team gathers to discuss the day ahead, identify potential obstacles, same-day treatments, new patients, and goals.

After your team huddle, I encourage the admin team to have their own brief huddle. Whether it’s just you and one other person or a larger team, identify where each of you can get some “off the floor” time. This is uninterrupted time away from the front desk, allowing you to focus on contacting patients from the unscheduled list, continuing care list, or treatment manager. Even 30 to 45 minutes of this focused time can significantly increase productivity.

The Importance of Training and Development

Reflecting on my conversation with Claire Dickinson earlier this year about doing hard things, remember that growth requires effort. A study by an HR company found that businesses with a structured team training and development program saw productivity increase by up to 200%. Consider if your practice has a solid training program. If not, ask your doctor about opportunities for more training and development.

There are many resources available, including free ones like podcasts, blog posts, videos, and YouTube channels. The Dentrix Resource Center is also an excellent resource if you have a customer support plan.

Moving Forward

I hope this quarter’s content has provided valuable insights to increase your practice’s productivity and profitability. I challenge you to implement the time management strategies we discussed and reach out to me after 30 days to share your progress. You can email me at Dayna@novonee.com, DM me on Instagram or Facebook, or use our live chat on the website.

Remember, you have the power to make a difference in your practice. I look forward to seeing your journey toward becoming a high-performing dental team. Have a great day!

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