Top 10 Dentrix Features You Are Not Using

Who doesn’t love to be “in the know?” One of the most common requests I get from dental practices wanting to learn more about Dentrix is “just teach me what I don’t know.” However, this can be a challenging request … but, after working with hundreds of dental teams around the country, I have learned what the most common unused features are inside of Dentrix.

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Re-printed with permission from Dr.

While we won’t give away the whole webinar in this article, we will focus on one of the 10 items touched on by Johnson during her talk, which is the ability to use Perfect Day Scheduling in your Dentrix software.

Johnson said she added this Dentrix feature to her top 10 list because of the current staffing shortage going on in dentistry and the ability for Perfect Day Scheduling to help ease newer team members into your practice’s best scheduling scenarios.

“We have team members coming into our dental practices who might have no dental experience whatsoever,” Johnson said. “They don’t know about scheduling. They don’t know about continuing care. They don’t know how to schedule a crown prep, so we’re having to teach these new team members and onboard these new hires. With that in mind, mapping out your schedule with Perfect Day Scheduling gives all your new hires a road map for how you want your schedule to look.” 

“If you don’t give them a road map, they’re going to be all over the road,” Johnson said. “Mapping out your schedule with Perfect Day Scheduling, especially right now with all your new hires, it’s just such a great tool for you.”

Johnson, however, believes that Perfect Day Scheduling can benefit any practice, no matter how long the team has been together.

“Maybe you just want your schedule to flow better, or you want your doctors to take their roller skates off,” Johnson said. “If you want to be more strategic about the placement of your appointments, then mapping out your schedule with Perfect Day Scheduling is ideal for you.”

Johnson goes into much more detail on Perfect Day Scheduling and her nine other must-know Dentrix features in the hourlong on-demand webinar. 
